Oryana Community Co-op and Expand Storytelling are proud to present a live storytelling event at the City Opera House on May 4th to celebrate 50 years of rich Oryana history. A diverse line up of local storytellers will take the stage to share their personal stories of adventure, struggle, and creativity on the themes of food and cooperation. Special Music performance by Seth Bernard and hosted by Chelsea Bay Dennis.
TICKETS: On sale at the City Opera House for $30. Discounted tickets for staff and owners on sale at both Oryana locations for $20. All proceeds from the event will benefit Northwest Food Coalition
Come at 5pm for “Green Drinks” happy hour hosted by SEEDS, or 6pm for a small reception of food and drink and community. Stories/music starts at 7!!
STORYTELLERS: Steve Nance (Oryana GM), Sue Kurta (Bossmouse Cheese), Madison Meter (marketer and comedian), Sarna Salzman (SEEDS), Seth Bernard (Musician and Title Track), Jody Hayden (Grocers Daughter Chocolate), Ryan Romeyn (Providence Farm).
EXPAND is a storytelling event featuring individuals who choose to live for their everyday. How they came to find the little things that make them come alive and how they continue to expand their being from right here, right NOW. Mindful, aware, present, grateful. Never arriving, always expanding